April 11, 2015

Practice What Can Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk

reduce breast cancer risk It is very important for all women to be aware of their whole body in general and specifically with their breasts. Every disease does harm to your body but breast cancer has proved most fatal to women life in particular. When a woman is aware of her breasts it is she knows well anything wrong with them. In all campaigns regarding breast cancer women are strictly asked to be well familiar with their breasts.

Now there is a question that what is a normal look, shape and size of breasts. It can be answered in this way that breasts come in every size and shape, so it is difficult to say that it is normal shape and this is not. What shape or look you have since beginning it is normal, but later any sudden variation in your breasts is a thing to be worried.

Here are some of the changes which every woman should know because if anyone of them starts developing with your breasts then it is really not normal and you can be a victim of this disease. These abnormalities are;

    • Nipples pulled inward
    • Fluid release from nipples
    • Breast skin variations
    • Lumps found in breast
    • Formation of lump in underarm area
    • Swelling or thickness in whole or some part of breast
    • Variation in breast size or shape

You should be familiar with these abnormalities as a part of your breast awareness because being a woman you are also at breast cancer risk. No woman can say that she is confirmed that she will never catch this disease in her life. Being a woman is the most significant risk factor, and you can’t change it. In fact when you are a woman don’t forget that you are the masterpiece of nature. But being woman how you can reduce your risk for this disease is more important. Here are some points below those are indeed very effective in reducing your risk for breast cancer.

    1. Regular exercise
    It is found among the women that in postmenopausal period most of them get too much obese. Always remember that obesity in post menopause period is more harmful than in premenopausal women. Being obese in old age is also associated with more possible development of breast cancer. Obesity is said to be the sum of different diseases among old ladies specially. When you have maintained a regular plan for your physical exercise you not only remain active throughout your life but it helps you in maintaining a good and healthy body weight.
    2. A careful and sharp look on diet plan
    Remember that it is not enough that everything that you can digest and enjoy while eating is also good for your health. You need to be extra conscious from health aspect about what you eat. Studies have shown that foods rich with fats can cause increase in your risk for breast cancer. And at the same time a plate full of vegetables and fruits can help your body to fight cancerous cells. It is because of the presence of some anti-cancer compounds in the vegetables and fruits those not only fight cancer cells but also stop them from growing.
    3. Raise your awareness about your own breasts
    You have to be familiar with your chest area because if you don’t check it in routine you can’t understand if there is something abnormal to it. Your breast awareness is extremely important about your own body.

From now and till your whole life you have to take special care of your breasts along with keeping in mind all those thing which can help you in reducing your risk for breast cancer.

Article source: Articlecube.com

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