November 4, 2014

Learn About Invasive and Non Invasive Breast Cancer

invasive breast cancer Breast cancer develops either in the cells of lobules that are milk producing cells or in the ducts that are tubes to carry the milk from lobules to the nipples. The pathology report tells that whether the cancer has spread beyond the point of development or not as in both cases cancer comes into the separate category of invasive and non- invasive breast cancer.

What is Non Invasive Breast Cancer?
Non-Invasive breast cancer can be defined as the type of cancer that confines to the place of development and does not spread beyond that like if the cancer begins into the lobules or ducts it will not spread beyond that and will not affect the normal tissues of breasts. Non-invasive cancer is also known as carcinoma in situ that means in the same place or can be called pre cancers as well.

DCIS Ductal Carcinoma in Situ
It is a type of non-invasive breast cancer as in this case cancer cells remain inside the ducts; however it puts women at higher risk to develop invasive cancer. It is estimated by the American Cancer Society that almost 60, 000 cases of this cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States. The two main reasons of its frequent occurrence are given below

  • People are living longer lives and as women age the risk to develop the cancer of breasts increases naturally so for this reason women are asked to attend the regular sessions of breast screening.
  • More people are breast aware now and they attend regular mammograms due to which a large number of cases are diagnosed at initial stage when the cancer is non-invasive and does not spread to the other parts of the breast.

What is Invasive Breast Cancer?
Invasive cancer is the advanced stage of cancer in which it spreads into the healthy and normal breast tissues and affects them. Invasive cancer is difficult to control and after determining the type of cancer it is decided that which treatment options will work best for the patient and how she will respond to the treatment.

IDC Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common type of cancer as it is estimated that 80 % of all cancers are of this type. The name of the cancer indicates that it invades the nearby tissues and spreads to the surrounding tissues as well. This type of cancer generally affects the older women, but there is no age limit as it can affect women of any age, however studies have shown that about two third of the total women are 55 or above at the time of diagnosis with this type of cancer. At first stage it does not cause any symptom, but some of the symptoms can be caused at later stage as some of the symptoms are given below.

  • Dimpling and skin irritation.
  • Pain of nipple and nipple inversion.
  • A lump in the breast or in the armpit.
  • Thickening, scaliness or redness of the nipple or breast skin.
  • Breast pain.

These symptoms can be observed by women during breast exam as well if they are in habit of performing regular breast exam.

Alley James is a blogger and writer. she usually writes about breast screening,breast exam. You can contact her directly at

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