June 3, 2015

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory Breast Cancer Most women when they think of the possible conditions that may occur in the breasts actually think about breast cancer. Why it is essential that both women and men to know that there are other serious diseases with a higher frequency that people need to worry.

Breast Asymmetry
Look in the mirror, breasts are not the same as a mirror image, one being slightly higher or lower. If the patient noticed that one breast is a cup size bigger than the other, most often because it is a benign breast asymmetry. This discrepancy between the size and shape of breasts becomes evident at puberty when breasts begin to develop, or during pregnancy when the breasts are preparing for breastfeeding.

In exceptional cases, breast asymmetry may indicate a congenital defect called Poland's syndrome, characterized by poor development of one of the pectoral muscles and frequently appears in men. In general, this syndrome does not lead to the onset of serious conditions, but there are cases in which patients with Poland syndrome suffer from kidney or gallbladder.

Although a communicable disease may be hereditary or congenital defect, breast asymmetry may go unnoticed until puberty when breasts begin to develop.

However, it is good to know that breast asymmetry in men and women is a warning sign of breast cancer.

Breast Cysts
Usually cysts are considered signs of cancer, but it should be noted that 8 of 10 cysts removed surgically after breast biopsies turn out not to be cancer. Not only women breast cysts may occur or may develop breast cancer and men can have breast cancer. But breast cancer risk among men increases with age. Interestingly, 20% of men with breast cancer have a woman who suffers from the disease.

Polycystic breasts
Most women notice the existence of cysts in the menstrual cycle or menopause. A portion of the cysts may be precancerous.

Usually, this condition indicates a benign breast polichisturilor commonly found called fibrocystic mastoza or fibrocystic changes of the breast. Specific causes of this disease are not known, but researchers believe that the disease is closely related to menstrual disorders.

Women with fibrocystic mastoza say often feel a weight and especially breast tenderness during menstruation, and some feel that instead of breasts gate millstones. Fibrocystic Mastoza that affect one or both breasts, tends to disappear after menopause.

If the skin around the cyst is red and irritated, when it comes to fat necrosis, ie fat cell death. This occurs as a result of physical injuries to the breast, resulting in disintegration of fat.

The emergence of multiple tabs is the second sign benign: breast cysts and fibroadenoma. While breast cysts tend to occur in groups, fibroadenoma is usually solitary. Both times the tumors have round shape, are small farms and tend to move under the skin when there is pressure on them. As if mastozei fibrocystic cysts, they tend to appear and disappear with the menstrual cycle.

Breasts swollen and discolored
Breast swelling can be a sign that she is going to go through the menstrual cycle. But breast swelling and redness, especially if they are hot to the touch, can be a sign of an aggressive form of breast cancer called inflammatory breast carcinoma. Other symptoms of inflammatory breast carcinoma is the appearance of "orange peel" skin that covers the mammary gland sensitivity excessive and tension (weight) in the breast, pruritus (itching), pain, change shape and volume but nipple twisting.

Although some of these symptoms appear during the menstrual cycle, if it's inflammatory breast carcinoma they will not disappear after the menstrual period. In fact, if the disease symptoms appear suddenly and tend to worsen in a few weeks or months.

Many times it happens that the disease be misdiagnosed as infection or insect bite, because the signs are similar to those encountered in such situations. What makes it harder diagnosis, the main sign of breast cancer - cysts - not frequently occur in inflammatory breast carcinoma.

Unlike the common forms of breast cancer, inflammatory breast carcinoma tends to occur among young women are more prone young women in America and Africa. In exceptional cases, inflammatory breast cancer can occur in men and is more common in the older adults.

Excessive development of breasts in men is a condition known as gynecomastia. If the man overgrowth can occur in one breast or both, can lead therefore to the emergence breast asymmetry. Gynecomastia occurs most often in obese individuals.

Other signs and symptoms of gynecomastia are cysts present around the nipple or areola.
According to researchers, 70% of men presents a particular form of gynecomastia, which occurs during puberty, due to hormonal fluctuations.

There is a strong link between hormones and the development of gynecomastia, and it is easy to see in men older adults when gynecomastia occurs as a sign of andropause, the male equivalent of menopause.

Also, gynecomastia can be one of the signs of genetic disease called Klinefelter syndrome, which leads to male infertility and increased risk of breast cancer among men. Moreover, gynecomastia can be one of the signs that warn of a tumor of the pituitary gland, a liver or even on testicular cancer.
Gynecomastia can occur following the administration of drugs recommended in the treatment of ulcers, depression, hypertension, cardiovascular disease or prostate. Also, and abuse of marijuana and steroids can lead to gynecomastia.
Finally, the increase in breast size in men and women can signal a number of benign conditions such as:
  • Papilloma,
  • Fibroadenoma,
  • But it may be one of the signs of breast cancer.
Nipple discharge
In the case of pregnant women and new mothers nipple discharge can be a sign of physiological, but in other women they can be signs of alarm because leakage may indicate the presence of serious conditions.

From a medical standpoint, nipple discharge are classified and non-dairy milk. Leaks are clear like dairy milk and non-milk can be milky, yellow, green, brown, pink or bright red.
In general, runoff mammary pathological (caused by a specific injury or illness) might occur as single sign appear on a single duct galactofor take place repeatedly and / or bloody appearance.

Leaking milk
Lactation in women who are pregnant or nursing, or men are known as galactorrhoea. Usually, it occurs in both breasts and the liquid is watery and white, but can be yellow or green. While in adults is one of the signs of disease at puberty both boys and girls can have a benign breast leakage. Interestingly, 5% of infants breast leaking.

Causes that cause galactorrhea are gathering and mechanical stimulation (rubbing) of the nipples (benign cases) or administration of medications or illicit substances, such as antidepressants, antihypertensives, steroids, antipsychotics or marijoana.
Also, breast leakage may result from excessive eating fruits and vegetables that contain phytoestrogen (nettle, fennel, anise and so on). Estrogen from these plants leads to the onset of lactation.

Drains non-lactic
Breast Leakage green to black, thick and sticky duct inflammation galactofor may signal a benign condition called duct ectasia unpleasant. Leakage can occur on one or more channels to reach the nipple.

If liquid is leaking smelly when non-dairy may signal breast infection - known as mastitis medical. And if the fluid is reddish and occurs in one nipple then is a classic sign of a non-cancerous bumps called intraductal papilloma.

Also reddish fluid may be an indication that the patient suffering from Paget's disease of the breast.
Ultimately, whether bloody or not, breast leakage from multiple channels can be signs galactophore fibrocystic changes or other benign breast disease.

Leakage spontaneous bloody or not, can be signs of the disease called intraductal papilloma - non-cancerous protuberance galactofor duct. Although they are almost unnoticeable, some women feel the presence of small bumps behind or near the nipple. These bumps can occur in one or both breasts. Interestingly, young women have multiple protrusions, while women usually older adults, shows only one.

About the Author
For more information on Inflammatory breast cancer search through our website. You can visit us at http://healthishtips.com

Article source: http://goarticles.com/article/Inflammatory-Breast-Cancer/7663182/

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