These below are symptoms and signs which associated to breast cancer, with information on tips to watch out for them
The Lumps
More than 80% breast cancer cases are diagnosed with her doctor, after found the lumps in her breast, actually discover a lump is easy, just do self-examination at your room, the lumps usually found during breast self-examination.
The Change of Breast Shape, Skin Texture or Size
If you found the different or changes in shape, skin texture, or size of your breast, this is could be the breast cancer symptoms, see your doctor immediately, cause so many women diagnosed with breast cancer after see a dimpling or wrinkling on breast skin area.
The Soreness and Skin Irritation
Some women may experience soreness, skin Irritation, redness, swelling, heat and pain throughout the breast and nipple this is could be the breast cancer symptoms too. Sometime the symptom usually resembles a skin inflammation, like an allergic reaction to a product or fabric.
The Breast Paget's disease
Secondary or complex symptom of breast cancer as knows as Paget’s disease, with signs is the breast or / and nipple feels and appears as though it's afflicted by eczema, with flaking, itchy, irritated and red, be extremely aware if you found it.
Loss your Appetite
Just like any cancer patient, you could be experience loss their appetite and follow with weight loss. This symptom could not experienced by all cancer patients, but is common.
Nice post, things explained in details. Thank You.